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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Thursday, Jan. 13, 2005
OnStar = Bad Luck...

I can't imagine WHY anyone would purchase a car with OnStar installed. Seriously. I used to think it was really cool but, based on all the commercials on the radio and television, I have come to the conclusion that OnStar = bad luck. THEY ALL WRECK THEIR CARS! Think I'm kidding? Listen to their commercials...all the calls are from people in wrecks, or people who've locked themselves out. Either OnStar is bad luck or only idiots who can't drive and have tremendous memory issues are allowed to purchase these vehicles. And we KNOW that Gracie doesn't fall into either of those categories, right? RIGHT?


Link received today from Carolyn:

Yes, but Carolyn? Please tell me you don't know anybody At All that likes cat poop. Please?


Received a letter today from Brad. It was full o' Nancy Grace Truth, made me giggle, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But the subject line was my favorite:

    Subject: Nancy Grace (or as I have nicknamed her, Dancy Face, because that's what she does)


    First of all, I want to tell you that I was introduced to your site by a friend of mine who sent me "Ding, Fries Are Done". I have been in love with the site ever since. I check it often, sometimes reading past entries a couple of times, just to get a good giggle. I have felt the need to comment before, but haven't, figuring you are inundated with people sending e-mails, so I have restrained myself.

    But, I must comment on your Nancy Grace piece. You are spot on!! She is a nightmare. Not only does she assume that EVERYBODY is guilty the minute they are under any suspicion or going to trial, but she won't let anybody get a goddamned word in edgewise. Drives me nuts. I wanted to tell you a story that made me actually get up off the couch (where I spend most of my free time, :P) and throw something at the t.v. I was watching her show on CourtTV. She was talking about the Scott Peterson trial (gasp!) and they have a little segment where they show people who have been murdered, raped, assaulted, etc. and try to find leads on the crimes. She showed a picture of this guy, a black guy, which, if you watch her a lot, you know that she has a subconscious disposition to slightly racist viewpoints on criminals and how they should be treated. Now, if this guy had been a criminal, she would have let loose a flurry of rants and raves about him and how he needed to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but this guy was murdered. And I was truly sorry for that, but she ended the piece with this remark, I kid you not, seriously, "Look at that, a face scrubbed in sunshine". Now, her southern drawl is enough to make even the strong constituted cringe, but I was struck with an immediate flood of nausea. This woman spends 99.9% of her time blasting every, and I mean every, person who comes across her teleprompter, and painting a guilty picture of them, and for her to be so syrupy and "compassionate" made me crazy. If this picture had been a mugshot (and, believe you me, it could have), she would have laid into him. I have rambled on enough. I wanted to send a letter to CourtTV about it, and maybe I overreacted, but I hate her, no really, I do. Thanks for all your good work and have a great day!! Keep typing.


Thanks, Brad!


And I wanted to share with you proof that I have the smartest readers. Exhibit A comes to us courtesy of Reader John:

    Hi Gracie;

    The sound issue when a network feed is louder than a local feed, is actually an issue with the local station. There is a card in the cable head end called a Wagner card that is supposed to modulate the volume to match, but the techs get lazy and don't do it. I worked for a company that designed cable head ends, that's how I know. Call the local station, enough people complain, they do something.


See? My readers rule.


Yesterday's 'Glenn' link should have been attributed to our dear Joey. Oops:

Glenn's JOEY'S link o' the day: Are aliens outsourcing now, too?!?


Someone Arrived Here Searching For: Does Pee Help Pimples [ Gotta say...I'd rather have a mountainous ball of pus on the center of my NOSE than pour piss on my cheeks. Just so ya know. ]


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Last 5 Entries:

How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

Perfume and Lazy Bastards.... - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006

Like Poop Through a Goose.... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005

Bling and Bullets.... - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005

Get Into The Frickin Spirit.... - Friday, Dec. 23, 2005

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