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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Friday, Jan. 14, 2005
General Stupidity...

Am I the only person disgusted by the latest magazine 'journalist' craze wherein they abbreviate as many words as possible? Trying to be cool? Ohhhh, let me just tell you how much I hate this new, lazy trend. HATE IT. An example is 'luxe' for 'luxurious' and 'nom' for 'nomination' and many others that are equally stupid. MAKE THEM STOP!!


What IS it with singers that feel they have to make these riDICULOUS faces when they sing? The notes come from INSIDE, dorks. They are not determined by how you scrunch up your mouth, or twitch your cheeks. Are you listening, John Mayer? Oy, the doofus faces he makes while singing. Almost as bad as Jessica Simpson's singing face. If they make these faces in PUBLIC while performing, can you even IMAGINE what their orgasm faces must look like?! *Shudder*


Do you watch Conan O'Brien's late show? I sometimes watch it when I'm working late, and I usually like his show...a little more lame than it used to be (or perhaps I've become a little less stupid? Who's ta say?) But one thing that hasn't changed, and hasn't ceased to irritate the SHIT out of me, is the announcer at the beginning of the show who introduces Conan. The way he says Conan's name is so FREAKIN annoying, and so obviously a dumbass imitation of Ed McMahon's old "HeeeeeEEEEErrre's JOHNNY!" but this guy says:

    "Coooooh-nan Ooooo-Bryyy-Hi-Hee-YUUUUUN"

Yun. It's that last part that makes my shoulders tense. Yun. It's just gay. And I hate it.


I was watching CourtTV the other day - the trial of the woman (Chante Mallard) that hit the homeless man (Mr. Biggs) with her car, drove home, parked in the garage, and left him there to die in the windshield of her car. Over a period of several days. Horrific. I wrote a few comments while watching and figured I'd share them with you:

Clete Jackson - This was a friend of Ms. Mallard (the killer) and he helped her dispose of Mr. Bigg's body - MAN the testimony was powerful. He obviously - and I am usually quite the cynic - feels horrible for his part in this. I rarely believe courtroom emotion, but this guy - a witness for the prosecution - has no reason to lay it on this thick - he's already been sentenced to ten years (way too much in my opinion) he got nothing for testifying against this person, didn't want or ask for anything; simply did it because it was the right thing to do (testify, not dispose of the body.) I didn't see the beginning of his testimony, so I don't know if he was around while the man, Mr. Biggs, was alive (if so, I feel MUCH less sorry for him) but you can see the torture lying just beneath the surface of this man. He helped out a friend, something he shouldn't have done, but this will haunt him for the rest of his life. Very sad.

I know, I know. Probably he was lying through his teeth or is a career criminal or something, but I have to say - his testimony moved me.

Chante Mallard, though? BULL shit. The sniffling as though she's crying? Utter crap. There are no tears. It's acting. I have no doubt that she didn't mean to hit that man. I have no doubt that she was on drugs, and that drugs can seriously hinder your ability to think clearly and rationally. But bitch chose to do drugs, then CHOSE to drive, and let's just be clear, here: she wasn't high for the several days that this man lay dying in her garage. Drugs tend to wear off MUCH sooner than that. And, bitch was a NURSE. A nurse who could have saved his life. A nurse whose brother was a fireman who could have saved him, as well. And she acts like she's distraught and crying and oh-so-full of remorse and deep, deep pain. Ha. If any of those tears are real, they are tears shed at her own dismay that she is caught and will be sent to prison for a loooooong time.

GOD people are fucked up.

You know, except for me.



I'm so brilliant that I forgot that I had finally fixed my broken guestbook. I remembered this only recently (read: Monday) and clicked the link to see if anyone had written anything. And I hafta say, y'all are awesome! I should point out, though, that George is quickly tiring of my constant raving about the love being sent my way.


have you heard that the most awesome show ever created, Dead Like Me, has been canceled by Showtime? Idiots. Freakin idiots. So I guess my favorite show (not to mention my BUSINESS) is less important to Showtime (and The Movie Channel, who is connected with Showtime) than their shows about teen suicide (a comedy), or their lesbian soap opera, or their pathetic Fat Actress show.

Pissed off like me? Write to BLowtime n' let 'em know how you feel. If you're like me, you will be canceling Showtime and the Movie Channel if they go through with this. Here's the address:

Mr. Robert Greenblatt
Showtime Networks Inc.
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019

Oh, and did I mention that the show is being considered by Sci-Fi channel and The WB? The effing WB. Ohhhh, how the show will suck. What's especially funny is that, on the message boards at Showtime, there are posters who are bitching at those of us who are complaining about the show being moved to the WB or any other channel. They claim that we 'aren't true fans, then. Cuz, like, if we WERE, then we'd be happy to have the show no matter where it was, because it's the CHARACTERS that matter, not the content. Frigging morons. They're like those people that think that they're superior if they liked a certain unknown band for a while but then, when others discovered them and they became famous, well...they don't LIKE them any more because apparently signing a record deal is selling out. They're idiots, truly.


Well thank GOD common sense has finally prevailed SOMEWHERE. A federal judge in Atlanta has ordered the removal of those ASININE stickers placed in high school textbooks (here in Georgia...ohhh I'm so proud!) claiming that 'evolution is a theory...not a fact' Can you believe that shit? They hired extra people over the summer to sit on the floor of a library or some school room, and put sticker after sticker in textbook after textbook. Unfreakinbelievable.


I have been spoiled by the emails you lovely readers have been sending me (check back tomorrow to see if yours is one of the few that will be posted).

I was brought QUICKLY down to earth, though, when I received this:

    Would you like to keep me some company?
    My Sack of shit husband is on a business trip for the next 2 months, and I hate being lonely.

    A secure way to reach me: http://foulwebaddresshere.yuk

    P.S. it's me
    Alexandra j

I've received other versions of this email, and I just roll my eyes and delete them. Apparently the spammers feel that too many others are doing the same thing, and that inserting bitterness toward her husband will draw more men. 'My sack of shit husband'....NICE.


Someone Arrived Here Searching For: god what the fuck is wrong [ Ohhhh, where to start? ]


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Last 5 Entries:

How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

Perfume and Lazy Bastards.... - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006

Like Poop Through a Goose.... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005

Bling and Bullets.... - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005

Get Into The Frickin Spirit.... - Friday, Dec. 23, 2005

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