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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Monday, Mar. 14, 2005
A Woman's Place...

I'm sure you heard about the ordeal here in Atlanta on Friday...where a defendant overpowered a deputy, stole her gun, shot four people (killing 3 of them) and escaped, right? Tragic, to be sure. Side note: Thank you to all that wrote wishing us well and hoping that we were nowhere near the activity...such thoughtful readers I have! And no, we weren't near the action, we were about 20 miles away thankfully.

Also disturbing was the fact that the perpetrator had the same name as one of my boyfriends in high school...try pondering THAT one for a minute...you're happily going along, minding your own business, and suddenly you hear the email ding! sound and you look up to see that you have a CNN Breaking News Alert email...so you casually open it up to see what's what, and you read the awful news, but then lose your breath a little as the perp's name is the same as an old boyfriend...and he is the SAME AGE and no other details are given, and you are forced to feel just thaaaaat much closer to trailer parks and being shown on Cops, whimpering over the fact that you once dated someone who is now on the lam. Thankfully, about 3 hours later, more details were released, along with pictures, and it became clear that it was SO NOT my ex-boyfriend. Whew.

Anyway, like I said, it was tragic. But I am SO irritated right now. The news media usurped EVERY FREAKIN CHANNEL for news coverage, not just for an hour, but for the WHOLE FUCKING DAY for this situation. ALL day, not kidding. From 10 in the morning till nearly 6 that night, NOTHING was shown but many cops running to and fro like chickens with their heads cut off. If it had been a civilian that had been shot, as opposed to government employees, you can bet your ASS that less than 1% of that sort of force and determination would have been exerted. It's sad that people lost their lives, but this coverage rivaled 9/11 coverage...and it was only 3 people! Fuck's sake. I am so tired of these warped priorities. Also I missed all my shows because of it. Fucksticks.


Was watching television recently and a commercial appeared that utterly stunned me...that they would air it...it was an ITT tech (technical school) commercial. A Latina woman, Rosa Perez, narrates for us, and I was so stunned that I had to rewind the commercial (ohhhh Tivo...how I love thee) and transcribe it for you:

"I came to the U.S. to live with my mom and to star a new life? I star in a traditionuh colletch? But the classes were NAH what I spected. I wunnuh a change and dahs whut I chose...ITT Tech. Day hep me to gate financhuh aid? Un later on, day ee-bun hell me to set up eeenter-byoos wiff diff-rohn employerss. Our teachers made us boh-leaf we koh make duh difference. And duh knowlish I acquire will always be wit me. And now? I'manelectronicstechnician. Ein earning more that I ever did? And finoh-lee haff a position that reflect my oh-bilities as a woman. My mom iss berry prout to seeee how my life has rilly ed-banced. I ree-oh-liess der are many ohpur-toony-tiz out derr an we woman haff to be part oaf et."

I'm not kidding. It was that bad. Now I'm all for education, but WOW.

And "I finally have a position that reflect my abilities as a woman"??? the HELL does THAT mean?? Nevermind...close your email program ya little chauvinists!


George and I had dinner this weekend with my parents at a woooonderful little Italian restaurant, La Strada. Mmmmmm. We did, however, stuff ourselves to the point of agony. Here is the conversation between George 'n Gracie on the way home:

Gracie: "Luuuh. eckkh. I burped and laughed at the same time and...rruuuuh...just threw up a little in my mouth. Yuuuhh-hhhuuuu-hhuuuuck!!"

George: "Niiiice."

Gracie: *whines* "No fair! SUCH a great meal, and it is now fully and completely ruined. Great cannoli? No more. It's now Vomit-oli. Dammit!"

*Several minutes pass...*

Gracie: "Unnnhhh. I'm soooo full"

George: "Me too...I'm afraid to fart...I may shit my pants..."

Gracie: "That's okay - I just threw up a little...wanna make out?"

George: "How bout I shit my pants...then you can kiss my ass!" *Proceeds to giggle uproariously at his own hilarity*

Gracie: "OOoohhhh you sooo funny, Joe. You soooo funny."


More Freakish Search Terms that Led People to American Angst:

goot carts

breast weighs

did lil kim show her tits? [that's like asking if Gracie's going to bitch about someone today. DUH.]

orgasm faces

nancy grace is fucking nuts

american idiot meaning

pee behind truck

kelly clarkson stripper

vida loca ass

why use an automatic teller machine

waiting for cat scan results

nancy-grace sucks google.com

where did lisa rayam go to college

nurse ass

nancy grace is fucking crazy


ding fries are down

goot flowers

gracie spanking orgasm

nancy grace bitch

my boss is so dumb

good smack

pitchurs of parts of the ear

easter poop

famous llamas


girlfriend used to be a stripper

american idol stretch marks sexy sister in laws [this just slays me. HOW does being a sister-in-law make you suddenly sexy??? And if you get divorced from her sister...does she now go back to just being average???]

hockey players naked gay

nancy grace - idiot [wow...people REALLY hate this chick]

queef pictures


i hate nancy grace [see??]

catsuit fart female

screwing dogs

why does love make you so stupid?

yahoo groups rubber gloves

how to pronounce of poinsettia

why men send flowers when they leave

pictures of garbage men

a picture of someone who got shot

my hand hurts

redneck easter basket

what melts faster ice cream or ice cubes??

cramps t-shirts to buy

why men are such idiots list

lil huffy

colds flu etiquette chemo

I'm not going to enter here the search terms that the SICK FUCKING BASTARDS type in on their quest to harm little children. Just know that I have recorded your IP address and am forwarding it to your internet service provider and the police. Please. Do us all a favor and kill yourself. Right now.

oh god i need a pee

i want to smell of my step sister ass

legless porn

small penises in pants / pictures

work fart

american hates immigrants

airport smoking korea

try to stare at this without laughing car

picture of someone peeing themselves

urinal shitting

arabia sex pictures

that really gets my goot [what's a GOOT???]


beat your kid

naked mom pussy

people pooping

how much does ryan seacrest weigh?

kim cattrall fuck

see me work

presentation about torture

when does the next ice age comes?

italian jokes with sexual innuendos

happy birthday written on breasts

lump on head

rope crooked "we don't like it"

barbara streisand tits

"fran drescher porn"

gid djs

involuntary peeing

too bad ignorance isn't painful

we fart in front of eachother

eating poop porn site

please fart in my face

just a weeee bit...........

the asshead picture

colonoscopy party [why?]

why did you call on me? I didn't have my hand up? [I'm sorry. I'll do better next time.]


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Last 5 Entries:

How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

Perfume and Lazy Bastards.... - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006

Like Poop Through a Goose.... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005

Bling and Bullets.... - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005

Get Into The Frickin Spirit.... - Friday, Dec. 23, 2005

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