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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Monday, Feb. 14, 2005
Yeah, yeah...I know....

Happy birthday to The Kiddo, and happy anniversary to my wunnerful in-laws. I couldn't have asked for a cooler set of extra parents, or a funnier, cooler kid to have around. I luhjoo all!

And happy Ballentimes Day to my sweetie, Boo-Boo-Kitty-Fuck. I love ya honey.


Speaking of Valentine's Day, I could have sworn that I'd already told you all this, but I did a search on the site and can't find it anywhere. I will never forget this, nor will I allow The Kiddo (and his future dates) to forget it, either. He was around 6 or 7 years old, and we were discussing the upcoming 'holiday' and he kept referring to it as 'Valentimes Day' and you all HAVE to know that it was driving me mad and that I had to correct him:

Gracie: Sweetie, it's Valentines Day, not Valentimes

The Kiddo: Nuh-UH. It's Valentimes Day, mom!

Gracie: No, Kiddo, it is not. It's Valentines Day.

The Kiddo: Nope, no siree. Valentimes

Gracie: Ya think so, do ya? Pretty sure about that?

The Kiddo: Yup.

Gracie: And why, exactly, do you think it's called Valentimes Day?

The Kiddo: DUH, mom. *rolls eyes dramatically* Because it's a TIME of VALENS. Geesh!

Yeah...Mom's are idiots.


Thank you to all who wrote asking if I was okay. Yep, fine n' dandy. I was out of town and, as usual, work has been demanding as hell. If one of you were a publisher aching to compile my entries into a book n' pay me for it...well, I'd be able to write more on this lil slice of the 'net. Until then...well...gotta pay the bills, minions o' mine.

After seeing this email, though, I had to make some time for you guys:

    On 2/12/2005 at 7:52 PM
    Mrs. Shanton wrote:

    Gracie, honestly!

    If I have to look at "slip it up my ass" for one more day, I think I'm going to, well, I'm just dying for a new entry, okay?

    I keep clicking on my American Angst bookmark, but there it is. "Slip it up my ass. Slip it up my ass." For Christ's sake, Gracie! It's VULGAR!

    Mrs. Shanton


You know, I'm really pissed off. Yeah, yeah, I know...shocked, aren't ya? Seriously, though. I'm pissed off at Kelly Clarkson. I cannot STAND this thing she does with her voice these days where she trills everything. And she doesn't do anything even remotely similar to what she did on Idol. So, Kel? Look bitch. I helped you get where you are today. I watched, I acted like a dorky teenager calling and calling and calling...voting for you and ensuring your success. I have bought both your CDs and you are pissin' me off chicky. I have HEARD that awesome voice within you. And you are FUCKING. IT. UP. Quit singing that shaky crap. Heard Norah Jones? Hell, heard YOURSELF on old episodes of Idol? I'm quite sure your family taped every one of those shows. Go back and watch 'em. Because you are missing the boat, sweets. Now get to work.


So George was watching television this weekend and was annoyed that there wasn't anything good playing. So he turned to the cartoon network and got all nostalgic watching old Spiderman episodes. During one of the commercial breaks there was an ad for something called Smoochie Pup. George got very disgusted with me and reFUSED to admit that this is a toy made for women, not children. He just doesn't get it: this was the only way the company could get an ad for a sex toy onto television. It's quite brilliant, really: aim the toy to children...but know that housewives whose kids are watching television will see it...a dog whose tongue is poking out and LICKS you. Pure genius...it looks innocent enough, but is SOOO for women. And I WANT ONE.


Have you noticed how many X-Box and Playstation games are 'rated' these days? I especially love the rating 'M - for Mature'. Haaaahahahaha. Are they KIDDING me? How many MATURE adults do YOU know that play video games? (ohh, close your email program. You know it's true!)


Someone Arrived Here Searching For: frozen shit pussy [and you wonder why I have a therapy fund]


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Last 5 Entries:

How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

Perfume and Lazy Bastards.... - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006

Like Poop Through a Goose.... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005

Bling and Bullets.... - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005

Get Into The Frickin Spirit.... - Friday, Dec. 23, 2005

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