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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005
Men are Idiots...And Other Valentine's Day Joy

Continuation of Valentine's Day conversation between George and Gracie:

George: "Okay...well then why not FRUIT, huh? Fruit dies just as quickly..."

Gracie: "Idiot. Fruit isn't pretty."

George: "Sure it is! Apples...Bananas..."

Gracie: "I do NOT want bananas for Valentine's day!"

George: "Why not? it's pretty, dies soon, AND it's functional!"

Gracie: *Glares at stupid husband*

George: *giggles cuz he thinks he won this one*

Gracie: "Would it make you feel better if I ATE the flowers you'll send me??"

George: "Yes! Yes it would. At least they would serve a PURPOSE before they died."

Gracie: "Oohhhh I see...and making your wife feel HAPPY and LOVED isn't a good enough purpose."

George: "Oohhh, see? See how you did that Twisting My Words thing again? Yeah I don't like that."

Gracie: "I don't like your opinion on flowers and how it means I suffer on Valentines day"

George: "Oh please. This is such a stupid holiday. I'm nice to you EVERY day of the year...would you rather I only be nice to you on ONE day a year?"

Gracie: "No. You don't get it. You ARE supposed to be nice all year, but on THIS day, you are supposed to display to the world how very, very much you love your wife."

George: *holds out arms* "THIIIIIS MUCH!"

Gracie: "Great. Walk around like that for the rest of the day."

George: "Okay."

Gracie: *Sigh*

George: "See...YOU don't get it. Men send flowers when they've done something wrong. I have done nothing wrong."

Gracie: *Raises eyebrows*

George: "Shuddup. This doesn't count."

Gracie: "No. Men send flowers cause they know it will lead to sex."

George: *Rolls eyes and shakes head* Aaauuugggh...WHAT do I hafta DO to get you to leave me ALONE about the FLOWERS???"

Gracie: "Tell ya what. I'll leave you alone about the flowers if we have psycho sex tonite."

George: "Cool. That's cool."

Gracie: *Smiles*

George: "Sooo....whaddoo I hafta do to get you to leave me alone about the SEX??"

Gracie: *Smacks George....but he is too busy cracking up at his own hilarity to notice*

Sigh. When will men get it?? Sending flowers is for the RECIPIENT and how it will make the RECIPIENT feel. It is not, I'm sorry to inform you, a boulevard designed to chauffer your opinions down to the bottom of my throat.

Got it?


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How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

Perfume and Lazy Bastards.... - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006

Like Poop Through a Goose.... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005

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Get Into The Frickin Spirit.... - Friday, Dec. 23, 2005

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