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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Monday, Jul. 04, 2005
TomKat and Idiots Online....

Quick note of thanks to the many, MANY people that wrote to correct me on my understanding of the Tuscan Habit Jeopardy question. ...though I think my ignorance of this small detail made it way funnier. ;-)


I have no idea why I've received so many requests from readers asking for my opinion on the Tom Cruise / Katie Holmes debacle, but I have. So...just cause I love y'all, here ya go:

Tom Cruise is a fucking nutjob. Nut. J-O-B. And Katie Holmes is simply caught up in the drama of it all and, because (in typical cult-member-recruiting-fashion) he has alienated her from her friends and family (if the tabloids are correct) as well as the fact that she is being wooed by her childhood movie-star-fantasy, well...I would imagine that it's a little hard to resist that, especially when you're not yet 25 years old.

As for LoonyToonsCruise? Mr. I --the ACTOR...the GLORIFIED COURT JESTER who gets paid to entertain the REAL people who have REAL jobs --know women's bodies and scientific study more than they (or their doctors) do? He's going through a mid-life crisis. It's as simple as that. He's getting older, he knows now the WE know he's a Shorty McLittleguy, and that his movies aren't doing as well as they used to (despite his choosing meatier roles in the last few years as opposed to his typical cookie-cutter hero role that defined him for the last 2 decades). And, at the heart of it, they're both so overwhelmed by the publicity and interest that they can't resist giving the masses what they want: a show. It's quite sad, really...to watch this train-wreck-in-motion.

While I would like to think that they really are two people who happened to 'click' when they met (because I felt that with George and it's still wonderful 5 years later) and that they're simply happy and in love and can't help but express it no matter what anyone says or thinks...Here is what my cynical self really thinks:

Gracie Prediction: Won't last a year, if that. To be fair, since there is a high likelihood that this was an orchestrated publicity stunt (ala Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney), they may keep up appearances for a couple of years, especially if they signed some sort of contract, but I highly doubt that. The other option is if Cruise and his cronies handle the Conversion of Katie Holmes to Freakish and Judgmental Asshead Scientologist just 'so', and get her firmly ensconced in their cult, they may be able to draw it out a bit longer, as well, but eventually the girl will come to her senses, swallow her pride, and get back to the real world.

And that's all I have ta say 'bout thay-uht.


On the way to George's parents house one weekend, we passed a church and George burst out laughing. When he pointed out the source of the hilarity, I had to snap a picture:


Ahhh, the selfless Christians....


speaking of signs, there was a road sign that *I* saw that I wanted to snap a picture of...have wanted to for years now, but never remember my camera when we're going that way. For once I had the camera in the car when we came upon the sign, but Mr. George decided that the didn't want to wait long enough for me to get the camera turned on and focused, as the sign was at a stop light (which had just turned green and there cars waiting behind us) so the following is what I was able to capture on film...


Thank GOD we saved those people behind us 3 seconds! ;-p


Since today seems to be a good day for pictures, here are a few more:

1) You know those Publix Thanksgiving salt & pepper shakers? The male and female pilgrims? I thought they were sorta funny and bought them one year for the holiday. For whatever reason, we tend to have 3 or 4 sets of shakers in the house (and in use) at any given time (what...us? sit at the table?? Riiiight) and the pilgrims were out on the counter when I was doing something in the kitchen recently and I just cracked up at the sight. Well...not so much the SIGHT of the shakers, as what they reminded me of... CLICK HERE TO VIEW.

2) I've been drinking sodas since I was a child yet I happened to look down at a soda can that was sitting on the coffee table the other day and could have SWORN it said 'total fart' instead of 'total fat'



A few weeks ago I sent out an Angst update to let my faithful (and oh-so-patient...thank you all for that) readers know that I had posted an entry. By the way, if you want to be one of those people who are notified whenever I post an update, you can either use the purple Yahoo Groups link on this page -- above on diaryland or to your right on the angst.com site; or you can send an email to
[email protected].)

Moving on, I sent the update and, a day or two later, I received a snotty email. I will display for you the exchange exactly as it happened, but first I want to make something quite clear: I deliberately chose the Yahoo groups list specifically because it was secure in that only the person who owns the email address can accept membership to the list. So, even though I can enter your email address in the signup box (to your right if you're on my main americanangst.com website) you don't actually become a member until you reply to the confirmation email sent to your inbox. Therefore, you are assured that people aren't just harvesting your email address and signing you up willy nilly. THAT is why this dork's email is so amusing; especially since it had been just a month or two since she had joined. Although...judging from her spelling and grammar, she's either a complete moron or english isn't her first language and/or she's unaware of how the Internet works. At any rate, here ya go: Click Here.


Just FYI: My guestbook is fried, thanks to a dumbass loser who spams it repeatedly, and I haven't had time to figure out who is getting my new guestbook posts, since it lets you enter a guestbook entry, but when you try to view it? It's empty...so someone's getting lots of praise (mixed with offers of porn n' poker) and has NO idea why.


I'm going to add these links to each entry for a while now since I get a HUGE amount of hits from people searching for these each day:

For the people who've been searching over and over for the Fuck You You Fucking Fuck mugs and t-shirts, here are direct links:

F-You mug | F-You shirt - White | F-You shirt - Gray

Also, there is always (and has always been) a large link at the top right of the http://www.americanangst.com webpage for my 'CafePress' shop where you can purchase these items.


Someone Arrived Here by Searching For: (Side note: I am going to have to do these as images for a while because I am weary of all the perverted freaks and pedophiles that the ISPs are unwilling to deal with. The FBI, however, are frighteningly quick in responding to complaints of this sort...I posted a complaint on their website and, within 10 minutes (despite the fact that it was midnight on a weekend) they called me. On the PHONE. Though I do NOT recall leaving my phone number on the complaint. WOW. Totally blown away by that. And oddly comforted, too.

Anyway, enjoy!


Arrived Here by Searching For...


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Last 5 Entries:

How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

Perfume and Lazy Bastards.... - Wednesday, Jan. 04, 2006

Like Poop Through a Goose.... - Saturday, Dec. 31, 2005

Bling and Bullets.... - Thursday, Dec. 29, 2005

Get Into The Frickin Spirit.... - Friday, Dec. 23, 2005

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