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Puttin' the FUN in dys-FUN-ctional!!

It's the holidays! Time for Ding Fries Are Done!

Monday, Sept. 06, 2004
Beth We Are So Stoopid....

Just a quick note to Kathi, who wrote this to me regarding last week's dream:

    Could've been worse - at least no one in your
    dream was licking Ellen Degeneres' nipples!

    ...and to Gracie, who should know better by
    now than to tell us about her dreams...
    Here's your sign!


Yes, honey, you totally got me. And hey! NO MORE NIPPLE TALK, LADY!!!

P.S., Take a look at today's 'Someone Arrived Here Searching For' section...TOTALLY your fault, Kathi! ;-p


Dear All Business Owners that Invest in Advertising,

Saying, at the end of every commercial, "My name is ___Blah, Blah___ and I approved this message." is NO LONGER FUNNY. In fact, it hasn't been funny in yeeeears. Now cut it OUT.




Remember the song 'Beth' by KISS? I do, too. I remember being around 10 or 12 years old and not understanding why everyone made such a big deal about it. So it was another one of the items I locked away in my "I'll Understand this When I'm an Adult" file.

Funny thing is, I'm (mostly) an adult now and recently watched one of those Behind the Music shows on KISS and there was a part of the show that focused on the song and Peter Criss and they showed him on stage from one of the band's 1970s concerts, in his way-too-tight jeans and way-too-tight jersey and he's sitting on this amp, rocking back and forth while (oh-so-horribly and off-tune) singing this song, and he throws the rose out to the audience at the end, who just go nuts. And you know what? 20 years later I still don't get it. The guy couldn't sing and the lyrics are STUPID.

That's all.


Do you find humor (like I do, of course) in your bodily functions and sounds? I just think it's all so hilarious. And no, I am not a 12-year-old boy. The sound that craps me up the most, you may be surprised to learn, is the sound my throat makes when I've been drinking a carbonated drink. It's this sort of "reeeEEEEoooorrr" sound, as though the bubbles are skating up my throat in an attempt to escape. Too funny.

Yeah, I know.


Well, it's finally happened. I can no longer watch live television. TiVO has ruined me. The minute a commercial comes on during a show that I'm watching, I pick up the remote and press the 'Fast Forward' button and...nothing happens. I shake the remote...I slap it against my palm once or twice, and re-aim it toward the TiVO machine and again press the 'Fast Forward' button. Again...nothing. And then it occurs to me that I am watching live television and the only options available to me now are pause and rewind. Ohhhh, no no and no. So I hit 'Record' and go find something else to do until the show is over. That's right. I am totally ruined.


Speaking of TiVO, I am watching Court TV's Body of Evidence and this episode is about several women that were oddly attacked by a man in Miami. He didn't kill or rape them, but did things like stab them or break their wrists, but then he'd leave. While that's fascinating on its own, the part that I'm annoyed with is the dork detective (the guy at the cop station, not Agent Hinman) who is, at the beginning of the show, setting up the story and he says:

"...women who were, for no reason other than the attacker's personal motives, attacked."

Well freakin' DUH. What OTHER reasons would there be, exactly? That they were left-handed, so therefore we could TOTALLY pick them out as potential victims? Well-deserved victims, even?



Glenn's Link O' the Day: Glenn Wants a Balloon Like This


Someone Arrived Here Searching For: Judith Light nude [Can't...un....SEE!!! Just damn.]


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How Much Are YOU Worth? - Sunday, Jan. 08, 2006

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